This trip is unfolding with power and grace . . .
Our days have been ripe with reconnection and excitement for the next stages of this experiment in self-determination, inter-diasporic collaboration, spiritual healing, and community empowerment. We’ve had incredible meetings with our partners in Port Au Prince and Comier, putting into motion a solid plan for implementing art/music/dance therapy, yoga and…
Heading back to Haiti next week!!
Naima and Angelique are traveling back to Comier, Ayiti next week to do some groundwork for the next big delegation that will take place to coincide with the 2nd anniversary of the earthquake! In January, Ayiti Resurrect will host another commemoration, implement a mental wellness clinic, initiate an environmental sustainability…
Summer Updates & Fundraising
Greetings everyone! The co-organizers of Ayiti Resurrect — Naima, Beatrice, and Angelique — are hard at work planning and fundraising for our second delegation. We are in great need of your support! Our continued work and efforts to build sustainable programming in the community of Comier, Leogone is contingent upon…
It’s Happening Now! – January 2011 Delegation
AYITI RESURRECT & Ayiti Cherie Healing Project delegates are in Haiti right now working and building in the community of Bigones, a small rural community in Leogane (epicenter of the quake), for our first of two healing delegations this Spring 2011. Delegates and partners on the ground are hard at…
Back from Ayiti
Four members of Ayiti Resurrect and Ayiti Cherie Healing Project traveled to Haiti recently to do groundwork for the project. We met with several community leaders, students, grassroots organizers, and people living in camps for internally-displaced people (in Port-Au-Prince, Leogane, and Croix-de-Bouquet). We asked important questions and established critical connections…
Eight months after the devastating earthquake
…that struck Haiti on January 12, 2010, millions of displaced people are living in impossible conditions. With the vast majority of quake survivors still struggling to secure humane living conditions and their basic human rights, the necessary grieving process for the 300,000 people that perished compounded by the loss of…